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It must be confirmed by the External Examiner and ratified by the Board of Examiners. Please contact the internal examiner if you wish to discuss your feedback. EXAMPLE 2 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK PRO-FORMA Student Matriculation No: ___________________ Module Title: _______________________________ Module Code: ___________________ Assignment: _______________________________ Submission Date: ___________________ CriteriaComments/Feedback Addresses and interprets the question Essay makes an interpretation of the question and in relation to this develops a coherent and connected line of argument. The essay sticks to the point. Instructions in the question are carried out (e.g., discuss, compare and contrast). Readership and purpose are considered.  Knowledge/Content Concepts, theories, facts, examples and research evidence are relevant and selected to back-up and illustrate what is being said (i.e., the arguments and interpretation). Use/ application of techniques and analysis also support the interpretation being made.  Organisation/Presentation Organisational framework designed to present arguments and evidence coherently and in a logical form taking account of the readers needs. Acknowledgement of sources, citation conventions, legible, length, clarity, grammar and spelling, etc.  Action point(s) Summary, to include guidance for improving practice  Signature first marker: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Signature second marker /moderator: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mark / Grade: ____________________ Students are reminded that the grade indicated is PROVISIONAL only. It must be confirmed by the External Examiner and ratified by the Board of Examiners. Please contact the internal examiner if you wish to discuss your feedback. EXAMPLE 3 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK PRO-FORMA Student Matriculation No: ___________________ Module Title: _______________________________ Module Code: ___________________ Assignment: _______________________________ Submission Date: ___________________ CriteriaABCDEFGCommentsArgumentPASSFAILAppropriate use of scholarship /literature Discussion of relevant facts/issues. Addresses the questionLogical development of argument Shows understanding of theories/ concepts StructureEssay contains introduction and conclusion Paragraphs well formed and linked Systematic presentation of argument Style and CommunicationBalanced, objective academic style Accurate spelling, grammatical sentences, correct punctuation Concise and precise writing Referencing Correct citation, adequate acknowledgement of sources, consistent use of referencing styleBibliography Correct use of Harvard system General Comments Strengths: Suggestions for improvement:  Signature first marker: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Signature second marker /moderator: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mark / Grade: ____________________ Students are reminded that the grade indicated is PROVISIONAL only. It must be confirmed by the External Examiner and ratified by the Board of Examiners. Please contact the internal examiner if you wish to discuss your feedback. EXAMPLE 4 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK FORM Student Matriculation No: ___________________ Module Title: _______________________________ Module Code: ___________________ Assignment: _______________________________ Submission Date: ___________________ Criteria 1. Inclusion of relevant knowledge and information Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Highly Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Comment: 2. Ability to critically analyse knowledge related to situation Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Highly Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Comment: 3. Ability to identify learning experience Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Highly Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Comment: 4. Logical development of analytical description Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Highly Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Comment: 5. Ability to draw appropriate conclusion Excellent  FORMCHECKBOX  Highly Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Satisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Unsatisfactory  FORMCHECKBOX  Comment: Signature first marker: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Signature second marker /moderator: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mark / Grade: ____________________ Students are reminded that the grade indicated is PROVISIONAL only. It must be confirmed by the External Examiner and ratified by the Board of Examiners. Please contact the internal examiner if you wish to discuss your feedback. EXAMPLE 5 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK SHEET Student Matriculation No: ___________________ Module Title: _______________________________ Module Code: ___________________ Assignment: _______________________________ Submission Date: ___________________ Strengths and limitations of assignment (Tutor s comments refer to criteria for the assessment): Areas for development in relation to preparation of future assignments: Signature first marker: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Signature second marker /moderator: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Mark / Grade: ____________________ Students are reminded that the grade indicated is PROVISIONAL only. It must be confirmed by the External Examiner and ratified by the Board of Examiners. Please contact the internal examiner if you wish to discuss your feedback. EXAMPLE 6 MARKING GRID LEVEL TWO / THREE PRODUCTIONS NAME OF STUDENT LEVEL PRODUCTION TITLE NAME OF MARKER DATE ExcellentVery GoodGoodAdequatePoorCharacterisation Style Character Relationships Vocal Range & Accent Vocal Quality Movement Coordination & Alignment Characterisation in Movement Interpretation & Delivery of Text Sustained Emotional Credibility Stage Craft  General Comments  PAGE 6 NR 6 j n p r t x            L | $nrt@TJN268Hlpr"&(*,^bvzFJLCJ>*CJ5CJ CJ655CJ56[LNPnrx|>BN R T V X Z \ ^ ` b d .!2!4!6!8!:!!@!B!D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6 CJ65CJ5CJ5CJ]!!!!!!!!&"*","."0"2"4"6"8":"<"~""""""""""""""""""""""#"#$#&#(#*#,#.#0#2#v#z#|#~########$ $ $$$$$$$$$R$V$X$Z$\$^$`$b$d$f$h$j$$6%:%<%>%@%B%D%F%H%J%b%%%CJCJ5b%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*&.&0&2&6&&''' ((())$*(***z+~+++++B,F,Z,\,x,z,|,,,,,,,,---&-(-D-F-H-L-\-`-b-d-----.j\UCJjUCJjtUCJ CJUCJjUCJCJUCJ56 CJ65CJ5CJCJ5F...F.H.d.f.h.............///X/\/p/r///////////000<0>0Z0\0^0b0r0v0x0z00000111>1@1jpUCJjUCJjUCJjUCJjUCJCJ5j,UCJjUCJjDUCJCJUCJ 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